2021 was White’s 70th year in business. Looking back, it’s clear that people always have been in focus for our architecture, and we have driven developments in the field of environment. 2021 we have taken sustainable architecture to completely new heights, literally. With the art of architecture, we continue to enable a sustainable life – today and for a long time to come.
White had a strong 2021. The market recovered, despite a second year of pandemic, and we were able to recruit many new employees. In Europe, the New European Bauhaus contributes to a tailwind for sustainable architecture, as a key to enabling the green transition.
With our high focus on sustainability, we continue to take place in new markets and in 2021, our projects began to make a serious impression internationally. Our studios in Oslo and London are growing and to strengthen our presence and development in Germany, we established a new studio in Stuttgart.
During the year, we received a great deal of attention for several of our major wooden construction projects. Sara Kulturhus, Magasin X and Nodi all set a whole new level for wooden architecture and sustainable construction. We also run several large care building projects, such as the New Hospital in Malmö and the Children’s Hospital in Cambridge. Our investment in digitization makes it possible to realize sustainable built environments at a faster pace through design and data.