

Ängelholm’s hospital district has undergone a transformation. The town’s residents can now enjoy a modern and welcoming building that caters to their healthcare needs. The building and its lush green surroundings have been planned with the intention of creating an attractive environment that promotes health and wellbeing and that improves accessibility for staff, patients, and visitors alike.

When the consolidation of Ängelholm hospital was announced, White was tasked with developing a densification strategy. This consisted of bringing the older healthcare buildings up to modern standards and adding several new buildings, one of which serves as the hospital’s new main entrance.

The vision of creating an open and accessible hospital district for the people of Ängelholm led to a strategy that focuses on the cohesion of the district with the city centre and adjacent green areas. The building of a new bridge over the River Rönne has significantly reduced the distance between the city centre and the hospital district. Another top priority was to improve the logistics of the hospital district and to create an environment that is easy for everyone visiting the area to navigate.

Client: Hälsostaden Ängelholm AB,
Place: Ängelholm, Sweden
Project start/end: 2012-2018
Status: Completed 2018
Area: Building 71, 13 700 sqm
Awards: Healthcare Building Award in 2019 and 2020 Architectural Award of Ängelholm
Photo: Henrik Rosenqvist

Bringing different healthcare functions together in one place results in synergies between the different operations, which not only streamlines healthcare but also makes things easier for both patients and staff.
The new building makes it easier for the different operations to work together and share premises and resources.
Kjell Nyberg, Lead Architect

Close to nature

Green environments that promote health and wellbeing are a priority in Hälsostaden. Researchers largely agree that there is a strong connection between the care environment and the care outcome. An attractive and healing environment alters the perception of care quality and increaseswellbeing. Surrounding patients and staff with a pleasant environment have therefore been a top priority.

The newly built healthcare building blends with the surrounding greenery and is right next to the path that runs along the river Rönne. Environments such as this promote both activity and recovery. These green qualities also feature in the indoor environment, which is dominated by warm, natural colours and elements in light-coloured timber.

Our idea was to create a hospital building that takes full advantage of the green qualities of the surrounding area both indoors, thanks to lovely views and the proximity to greenery from balconies, corridors, and rooms, as well as outdoors where we have created what we call a ‘healthgarden
Kjell Nyberg, Lead Architect

New main entrance

The district’s existing buildings are all from different eras. Many come across as dark and enclosed, while the new healthcare building conveys an outward-looking and inviting feeling. The building is home to clinics, wards with private rooms, an orthopaedic surgery ward, and a centre for therapy and rehabilitation, as well as staff areas with a roof terrace.

There are also a café and pharmacy on the first floor. The public spaces, together with the nature of healthcare settings with their constant flow of people, create an open and welcoming environment.A new glazed entrance hall has been built as a space between the new healthcare building and anolder dark-brick treatment building.

Early on, our ambition was to use bricks in the façade due to their dominance in the area. The idea was to create a contrast with the existing building. Consequently, the new healthcare building has a light concrete façade with cast-in bricks that complement the shell of the older building,
Kjell Nyberg, Lead Architect

The façade facing both the entrance and courtyard sides is glazed. The structure of the building with its strip of windows allows for ample daylight and can be adapted to changing needs over time.

The new modern healthcare building has been awarded twice. It was awarded the Healthcare Building Award in 2019 and recently it won the 2020 Architectural Award of Ängelholm.

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