The missing piece of the jigsaw
The new neighbourhood acts as a natural connection to the surrounding area, creating a new place that interacts with its surroundings; a public realm for everyone. The massing and orientation of the buildings on the site is designed to maximise views to the river and the graving dock at all levels, enhancing long-term permeability with new connections north-south unlocking public access to the Thames path, the new riverboat pier and views towards historic Greenwich.
Low impact living
The holistic sustainability strategy for Blackwall Yard promotes healthy, sustainable lifestyles throughout all aspects of the development; from embodied carbon and resource use, to the way people move within and around the neighbourhood. Services are integrated across the site with air source heat pumps providing low-carbon heating and cooling and an ENVAC vacuum waste system facilitating centralised waste collection, significantly reducing the need for HGV traffic in pedestrian areas.
High-density, compact living makes the sharing economy a reality at Blackwall Yard. Residents will have access to car- and bike-share schemes, electric car charging, food growing opportunities and a circular economy hub connecting people around recycling, reuse and education. Aside from accessible parking and electric car club provision, the neighbourhood will be car-free, supported by improved links to cycle networks, DLR, bus and riverboat transport links.