White Arkitekter speaks at Urbanisation Forum 2018: Connectivity

With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas, cities are set to be the future global economic engines.

But as urban areas expand, several crucial challenges must be addressed, creating a huge demand for infrastructure that will connect the city and make it more inclusive and sustainable.


With insights from Google and other experts on the matter, six keynote speakers – which include White Arkitekter’s Linda Thiel – will take to the stage at the Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s Urbanisation Forum 2018: Connectivity to explore the key issues and challenges related to urbanisation and the latest technology and innovations.


White Arkitekter is a sponsor of the event, which takes places at Google UK’s HQ in central London on November 15. Visit the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for more information and tickets.

Keynote speakers

Deloitte: Simon Dixon, Global Transportation Leader
Google: Jon Simpson, Smart Building Technical Lead
StratForce: Max Ryerson, CEO & Chief Digital Strategist
Sweco: Geoffrey Palmer, Director of Buildings
Transport for London: Iain Macbeth, Head of Foresight
White Arkitekter: Linda Thiel, Director London Studio

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