White Arkitekter hosts seminar on urban development for all at Business Arena London

With the aim of bringing the cities of Stockholm and London closer together, White Arkitekter is hosting a seminar to share expertise and experience at the inaugural Business Arena London on May 17.

Business Arena London gathers a variety of actors from the private and public sectors to discuss investments, housing supply, urban development, growth, architecture and social sustainability. White Arkitekter’s seminar, titled “Good growth and public realm as a catalyst for successful cities”, looks at urban development for all, particularly focusing on districts and neighbourhoods in need of a positive change.

How can affordable housing, quality public space and access to services contribute to social value-added planning?

With interesting examples from both London and Stockholm, the participants will discuss what the needs for regeneration of suburban areas are and how people and culture can be a driver for sustainable development.


Participants include Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor, Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Greater London Authority; Peter Murray, NLA; Monica von Schmalensee, Chairman for the council of Sustainable Cities; David West, Egret West Architects and Linda Thiel, Director of White Arkitekter’s London Studio.


The session is chaired by Niklas Svensson, White Arkitekter’s Head of Urban Design.

Seminar info

Good Growth and public realm as a catalyst for successful cities
4.15 pm – 5.15 pm
May 17

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