Feasibility study for a cleaner Oslo Fjord

The Oslo Fjord is in an ecologically critical situation. This is due in part to the encroachment of development on the riparian zone, littering on the seabed, spillage, and run-off of polluted stormwater from the city. In a feasibility study, our Oslo studio has come up with concrete proposals for nature restoration along Oslo’s central waterfront that will result in a cleaner fjord.

In conjunction with the Municipality of Oslo’s investigation into the future location of international ferry terminals, a feasibility study was commissioned to investigate the potential for nature restoration in the three urban areas.

Our feasibility study is based in the Planning and Building Department’s preferred terminal location option where the foreign ferry terminals are concentrated at Kongshavn, releasing Hjortnes and Vippetangen with Revierkaia for urban development. The study was conducted by the landscape architects at White Arkitekter Oslo in collaboration with marine biologists and landscape ecologists. The study examines the underlying causes of the current ecological state and proposes measures for the conversion of existing quays, berths, roads, and seabed into a combination of nature-like havens that can increase local biodiversity.

Nature restoration in the center of a capital city will always involve the presence of people. We have highlighted this both as a challenge, such as wear and tear on nature and disturbance to waterbirds, and well as a unique opportunity.
Pål Dixon Sandberg, Lead Landscape Architect at White Oslo

– The potential for dispersal is great. We propose, among other things, a dispersal center in an existing building at Vippetangen which could be equipped with research stations, a breeding laboratory, underwater ‘classrooms’ and dive trails, says Pål Dixon Sandberg.

The report also points to the importance of taking measures in Oslo to prevent runoff to the fjord higher up in the watershed.

Our proposals will certainly help, but the problems of the Oslo Fjord are due to several large-scale measures both in Oslo and in the other municipalities along the fjord. This study presents analysis and proposes solutions that should be considered by all municipalities with shorelines where there are plans to convert port areas along the Oslo Fjord.
Pål Dixon Sandberg

In conjunction with the study, we have also delivered a White Research Lab report: “Nature restoration in urban harbor front”, using Oslo harbor as a case. Read more here.

Contact Person

Pål Dixon Sandberg

Pål Dixon Sandberg

Landscape architect, Studio manager


+47 458 36 178

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