Stormwater pond at Exercisfältet

Stormwater pond at Exercisfältet

As our cities expand, so does the need to clean the dirty water from them and protect them from flooding. The new stormwater pond at Exercisfältet in Uppsala solves both problems, while contributing to biodiversity and creating a place where people can socialise and go for a stroll.

Thoughtful design contributes to biodiversity

The city of Uppsala is growing and densifying around Exercisfältet, a former military training area with cultural and historical values. This has led to an increased need to both treat and detain stormwater.

The stormwater pond at Exercisfältet in Uppsala is a necessity to protect nature from the city’s polluted water and to protect the city from flooding due to reduced infiltration and climate change. With thoughtful design, the pond has also become a popular place for rest and socializing while contributing to biodiversity.

Client: Uppsala vatten och Uppsala Municipality
Place: Exercisfältet, Uppsala, Sweden
Status: Completed 2022
Photo: Måns Berg

As our cities expand, so does the need to clean the dirty water from them and protect them from flooding.

To preserve as much space as possible for activity and recreation on the field, the permanent pond has been made as small as possible. In the event of heavy rainfall, the water will flood the pond, occupy the surrounding areas, and create water mirrors of different sizes and shapes. During extreme rainfall, the promenade will also be flooded, and the water will extend far away.

Despite the stormwater ponds strong form and the high altitude of the field, the location of the dam in a natural low point in the landscape allows it to land discreetly without disturbing its surroundings. Closest to the city, we have given the pond a sharp edge with a robust flood protection in the form of a concrete wall that follows the lines of the block division. Towards the open field, we have instead allowed the pond to follow the undulating forms of nature.

The vegetation is carefully adapted to the natural conditions of the site and consists of a combination of species that are both hardy and have water purifying properties. The different parts of the pond are flooded by different amounts of rainfall and have great potential to develop into a good habitat for many different animals and plants.

Around the pond there are generous spaces and paths inviting visitors to move along the water’s edge and sit down on one of the south-facing seating areas overlooking the field. The pond is already being used and appreciated by people moving around the area. It is likely that development to the south of the pond will continue to move closer to the edge of the jetty, bringing even more life and movement. The pond is designed to accommodate this development and provide an exciting interface between dense block structure and open landscape space.

Contact & Team

Charlotta Råsmark

Charlotta Råsmark

Landscape architect

+46 766 39 46 05

Andreas Ivarsson

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