Honourable Mention for White Arkitekter in the Kurikka House Architectural Competition

White received an honourable mention in the architectural competition for Kurikka’s new cultural and civic centre, Kurikka House, which concluded with an awards ceremony at Kurikka Campus.

Our proposal, Aina Avoinna (Always Open), envisions a Kurikka that remains truly open at all times. The new civic centre defines a distinct courtyard – a green meeting place that connects the city square, main street, and everyday life. A space where people can gather, whether or not they have business at the town hall. Here, one can wait for the bus, visit the market, take part in major events, or enjoy the everyday rhythm of play and encounters.

We are pleased to receive an honourable mention in this prestigious competition among many strong entries.
Anna Ekholm, Architect

The architecture respects its surroundings, with the church and neighbouring buildings forming a historical backdrop. The building features a rational structure with a welcoming entrance that brings together the city’s democratic functions. Sustainable solutions permeate the design – from solar panels to stormwater management and biodiversity.

Water is a defining element, expressed through a reflecting pool that changes with the seasons. Trees and greenery enhance the site’s character, foster biodiversity, and contribute to a shaded, comfortable urban environment.

A democratic space

The flexible and inviting foyer creates a natural connection between the main street and the courtyard. Here, the city’s residents come together in a welcoming environment – a space for social interaction and spontaneous encounters.

The new civic centre defines a distinct courtyard. This democratic space is supported by and incorporates both existing and newly planted trees, as well as surrounding buildings.

The courtyard is divided into several smaller spaces, each designed to strengthen the connection between the formal functions of the civic centre and the everyday life of Kurikka’s residents.

A total of 154 proposals were submitted to the open architectural competition, organised by the City of Kurikka in collaboration with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA), with the goal of identifying a high-quality and feasible urban and architectural solution for Kurikka House.

The winning proposal, Arcadia, was designed by the Helsinki-based architecture firm Harris Kjisik.

Thomas Landenberg, Lukas Nordström, Egil Blom, Anna Ekholm, Amilia Björklund, Silje Heggdal and Mads Engh Juel.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch!

Anna Ekholm

Anna Ekholm



+46 31 60 86 88

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